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Zhu Xinhua Investigates the Construction of National Torch Xiaoxian Anti corrosion New Material Base

Release time:2023-07-20 12:41:44

On the afternoon of July 19th, a delegation led by Zhu Xinhua, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Mayor, and Director Zhu of the Development Zone, visited our company for inspection and research. Accompanied by General Manager Wu Chunye, Zhu Xinhua, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Mayor, inquired about the production and operation situation and existing development problems of the enterprise, such as production capacity, output value, sales, taxation, and management, and conducted on-site research on problem-solving and promotion methods. It is required to carefully carry out the article of building, supplementing, extending, and strengthening the chain, promote the extension of the industrial chain to high-end fields, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of the park's development. Enterprises should effectively shoulder their main responsibilities, establish a red line awareness, continuously increase investment in safety production, establish and improve a safety production responsibility system, strengthen employee safety education and training, emergency drills, continuously improve safety production quality and ability to handle emergencies, and effectively eliminate safety hazards. General Manager Wu Chunye stated that the company will do a good job in excellent enterprise case studies, provide services to more users, and contribute to the economic construction of our county.

Zhu Xinhua emphasized that private enterprises are an important support for the high-quality development of Xiao County's economy. Each enterprise should further strengthen its confidence in development, broaden its development ideas, identify its development positioning, and enhance its competitiveness through continuous innovation and talent cultivation. All relevant departments in various regions should conduct in-depth visits to enterprises, assist enterprises in providing services, and promptly sort out problems, formulate corresponding measures, vigorously carry out assistance, and solidly promote the continuous and stable development of enterprise production and operation. At the same time, we hope that enterprises can effectively do a good job in safety production, vigorously promote technological innovation and product upgrading, expand production scale, and drive supporting enterprises in the industrial chain to settle in Xiaoxian, making greater contributions to the high-quality development of Xiaoxian's economy and society.

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