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The world's excellent manufacturer of new material additives provides weather protection for 4 million tons of new materials worldwide every year

Xiaoxian SUNSHOW New Material Co., Ltd. Environmental Impact Assessment Network Publicity

Release time:2019-07-01 12:06:40

Xiaoxian SUNSHOW New Material Co., Ltd. 7000 tons/year polymer additive project (Phase II project)

Network publicity before the environmental impact assessment is submitted for approval

Xiaoxian SUNSHOW New Material Co., Ltd. entrusted Anhui Shida Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. to undertake the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report of the 7000 Tons/Year Polymer Additive Project (Phase II Project) of Xiaoxian SUNSHOW New Material Co., Ltd. Now the report has been prepared and is to be submitted to Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment for approval. According to the requirements of the Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (Decree No. 4 of the Ministry of Ecological Environment), the environmental impact report and public participation instructions will be publicized before approval. The website is as follows:

1、 Internet link to the full text of the environmental impact report

See attachment

Links: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sqsUgGMUlnrSV91fOkrmfw 

2、 Public participation explanation network link

See attachment

Links: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1tw6gDXJ6hAHDaj-a-KOfSA 


Xiaoxian SUNSHOW New Material Co., Ltd

November 8, 2019


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